Thursday 24 June 2010

AR Controlled Device: Parrot's AR.Drone

Here is a good item for somebody who has Peter Pan Syndrome.
Parrot’s AR.Drone is an iPhone-controlled quadricopter device. You can control this interesting toy with the very unique interface that iPhone provides and you can even control this object with your iPhone accelerometers. You can sync your iPhone with Pattort's AR.Drone and then your device will move right along with your iPhone.


  1. Is Parrot's AR.Drone for me bee useful to create GIS as do Microdrone MD4-200 or this gadjet just a toy for keeds and not help any work to creating GIS?

  2. The AR Parrot is definitely a drone with one of the user-friendliest app and way of controling it, but it is not the only one, and I won't characterize it as the Best. You can check out a few more models reviews, in this article I found on the web, and say for yourself:
