Tuesday 3 December 2013

A quick animated map using CartoDB

I took a quick online mapping course which were provided by CartoDB.
It is easy and quick. Looking forward to the next session.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

AR Navigation App is available on Google Play

An Augmented Reality Navigation app for pedestrians was launched on Google Play a week ago.
The app is free, contains no adverts, and forms part of Sung Hyun Jang's Ph.D. studies at CASA, UCL.

Details about this app can be found here.
All feedback welcome!

Here are some screen shots from the app.

Thursday 29 November 2012

X Factor Tweet Data Visualisation

Here is a simple attempt of visualising tweet data about  X Factor (Top 5).

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Exploring Mobile Augmented Reality Navigation System for Pedestrians

Mobile augmented reality has been introduced rapidly through various mobile applications ever since smart phones became widespread. Geographic information system applications, especially those using location based service, have adapted this new computer vision technology, but current mobile AR applications which contain POI data only display location information. This forces the user to switch from an AR view to a conventional 2-dimensional view in order to receive continuous spatial information that covers a user's entire route. This paper will use a scenario-based approach and propose a solution that will provide linear spatial data, particularly route information, in mobile augmented reality applications.

This conference paper was published in the GISRUK 2012.

Monday 4 July 2011

Augmented Reality in Art

Mobile augmented reality is not only for computer vision specialists but also for artists. There are a lot of attempts to use computer graphics in visual arts. Augmented reality is also one of the favourite techniques in visual arts. One of most interesting things about visual arts using augmented reality is that it generates more audience participation. Audiences can create and enjoy their own art using augmented reality.
Here are some video clilps that show some augmented realty visual arts.

augmented reality stencil - streetartlove.rs/belgrade from LiveViewStudio on Vimeo.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

A Time-based Transit Map

Time + Maps are always an interesting combination.
Stefan Wehrmeyer has developed a Google Maps application called Mapnificent which provides several intereting functions that combine maps with time. The application shows the areas you can reach with public transport in a user-defined time, and tis also displays the overlapping areas that two differnt persons can both reach within a given time.
Check the video clip in which the developer expains how this application works.

Mapnificent from Stefan Wehrmeyer on Vimeo.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Need for a "killer application in" Augmented Reality

The BBC points out the problem that the augmented reality filed has encoutred.
I think we need a killer application that shows/provides better interface - something easier, more intuitive, simpler and more human-freindly than a conventional interface.